Hiroshima International Center

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Category: Events
2024/09/04 <HIC World Experience Day on N ...

<HIC World Experience Day on Nov. 3> Foreign volunteers are needed!


  • Events

Recruiting foreign volunteers for the HIC World Experience Day on November 3!

On November 3 (Sunday・Holiday), we will be hosting HIC World Experience Day, an event to experience different cultures and engage in international exchange!Introduce and speak to locals about your home country!If you have any ideas on workshops/games for children and adult, or any songs, dances or instruments you would like to perform/showcase, please let us know!

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

We will take your application information into consideration and select volunteers. The selection results will be notified later by e-mail.

  • Date&Time:  November 3rd (Sunday・Holiday) 9:30am~4:30pm
    ※There will be breaks such as lunchtime
  • Location: Hiroshima International Center (Hiroshima City, Naka-ku, Naka-machi8-18, Hiroshima Crystal Plaza 8F)
  • Compensation: 4,000 yen (For half-day 2,000 yen)
  • Travel expenses:  We will pay for your transportation roundtrip
  • Application Requirements:
    (1) Foreign residents in Hiroshima Prefecture
    (2) Able to hold simple conversations in Japanese
    (3) Must be able to come on the day of the event
  • Number of people collected: About 6
  • Apply:https://bit.ly/3XcWead
  • Deadline: September 22, Sunday
  • Examples of Volunteer Activities:
    *Talk to participants in your native language (For those of you with basic conversation skills in Japanese)
    *Bring traditional items/clothes and introduce them to participants
    *Paper cutout art / Origami workshop
    *Introduce and play with participants the games of your home country
    *Singing, dancing and playing musical instruments of the mother country
  • Details:  Foreign Volunteer Recruitment Flyer >>>
  • Contact information: Hiroshima International Center (HIC) Contact person: Tanemori
    TEL:082-541-3777 E-mail:hic17@hiroshima-ic.or.jp


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